“How can I make a difference when I am just one person?”

~ said millions of people ~


_Values And Sustainability_

We take great pride in consciously reducing our eco-footprint, especially in the fight against plastic pollution! Plastic touches all of our lives, from food packaging, to computers, to our toothbrush, and the cars we drive. But many of the plastics you use in your daily life are single use, then thrown away.

Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastics enter our ocean, on top of the estimated 150 million metric tons that already circulate our waters.


_Second Use Policy_

It is our policy to only buy packaging that has second use potential. For example, your lipscrub container can become a travel pill case, and your dish soap refill pour spout bag, can become a folding hiking water bottle. Plus if you are ever looking for ideas on what that use can be, just send us a message, and we will happily share a list of our best uses yet!

There are 7.8 BILLION people on the earth, and it can only sustain 1.9 billion. Something has to give?


_Small Batches/Local Suppliers_

We buy the ingredients and packaging in limited quantities, and lower our carbon footprint wherever we can, by shopping locally. Quite literally on foot! This also stimulates our local economy, by supporting other small businesses in our community. We favour ethical production to mass production, because we can control the quality and freshness of our ingredients when buying as needed, in small batches instead of bulk.

Plastic production and consumption are predicted to double over the next 10 years.


_Container Exchange Program _

In our efforts to be completely zero-waste and close the loop, we recycle every single product container we can. By choosing a triple sanitized recycled container, you save $1 off each product, as this is one less new container we have to purchase. By trading your container back in, you save an additional $1, giving you a $2 savings on every product purchased, while also eliminating your contribution to plastic pollution

Some types of peanuts take 500 years to break down in a landfill, while bubblewrap can take 500+.


_Cardboard Counts _

We also apply this same principle to shipping materials, and give you the option of new or recycled. Some items should be shipped in crisp branded packaging like gifts, and special purchases, but when it’s personal use, and it can be done, it means less plastic polymailers, and bubble wrap waste (aka less junk in the landfills.)