This company was born of obsession. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to be precise!



 _O.C.D? Why yes!_

The compulsion to strip off any traces of a generic product label the second it came through the door, of being drawn like a magnet to packaging that looked artistic or beautiful, and the pursuit of a smell that I couldn’t quite seem to find, the one's that catch you by surprise, being immediately transported back in time with a trip down memory lane.





 _The Idea_ 

After a lifetime of searching for product packaging that I liked enough to refill again and again, and scenting and/or tinting my products to match my decor, it occurred to me that I MUST NOT BE THE ONLY ONE who cares about these things right?

As a Visual Artist, with a background in Aesthetics, I was already creating hand-blended Candles, Soaps, Skincare, and Bath & Body Products. With Aromatherapy and Herbalogy Training, I felt extremely passionate about making (and sharing), quality chemical free products. But as an Entrepreneur focused on Business and Design Consulting, I never took it seriously, making a small batch here and there, treating it as a fun little side hobby.





_Gifts Galore_

Then along came Christmas, and after gifting friends and family a variety of personality based Home and Body Care Pamper Kits, they finally convinced me to give my passion project a proper try! To be honest they didn’t have to twist my arm very hard, but it always feels good to have the enthusiastic support of your loved ones! So I for one, am so excited to embark upon this journey, and hope that some of my enthusiasm rubs off on you too!   







 _So What's Next_

With a plan to offer a limited selection of Home and Body Products to start, I hope to grow and grow, until WE have customized every possible product we can come up with! I truly want to co-create with you, my customer (and hopefully someday friend), based on YOUR personal preferences, and tastes. Whatever will make you feel good, when you use and/or see your products.







_Mission Statement_

My MISSION in all of this is to provide a product that will, if even in the smallest way, make you feel amazing! Perhaps you will feel excited or inspired, comforted and cared for, relaxed or uplifted, sexy or cosy, maybe creative or content? The list goes on and on, of possible emotions that I hope you will experience.

As long as it makes you feel better than you did before you had it, that you know you truly deserve it, and that you are a unique and incredible human when using it, then our work here is done.

Now let’s get to it shall we?

Angel ~ Founder