Animal Testing Policy

The KUSTM Company shares your concern about the use of animals in safety testing, and is committed to eliminating the need for animal testing.

We are equally committed to the health and safety of consumers, and to creating products that comply with the laws of all countries where our products are sold. We do not perform any animal tests on our product formulations or ingredients, nor ask others to test on our behalf. The only exceptions are the rare instances where the Manufacturer of our base products are required by law. These laws apply to every company in the beauty industry that sells products globally, and like all other global beauty companies, they must comply with any applicable local laws.

To avoid the use of tests on animals, we source our base products from companies who select raw materials with well-established safety records,  and uses extensive ingredient databases. Their product safety testing includes the use of non-animal studies, and clinical tests on volunteers. 

Our ultimate goal is to eliminate the necessity for animal testing globally. We work with companies in our industry and the scientific community around the world, that actively support the industry's sharing of scientific data, in efforts to negate the necessity to use animals in any research capacity. 

We thank you for the opportunity to state our position and hope you will continue to enjoy our products with confidence.