Welcome to The KUSTM Company!

Welcome to our very first blog post! There are so many topics of interest related to Health and Wellness, Beauty and Design, Creativity and Self Care, that I don't even know where to begin!

However, let me first say that The KUSTM Company is so excited and humbled that you have taken the time out of your likely very busy day, to spend some of it with us. We don't take that lightly, and promise to never waste it with fillers and fluff. Just the good stuff, tips and tricks, DIY‘s, safe and dangerous ingredients lists, realistic environmental changes and future goals to reduce landfill. Up and coming trends around health and beauty, a focus on self love and self care, and the many ways that evolves in our ever changing lives. I am hoping to grow a positive and supportive community here of truth and knowledge, love and laughter, and everything in between.

The insanely long and ever-growing list of topics we will cover is also open to your requests and suggestions, as well as should you feel inspired to write a guest post, please reach out and lets collaborate on something that everyone can benefit from. With that being said, as an audience of readers, I do ask that you respect differences of opinions, in the knowing that it is our own uniqueness that makes this life so interesting. if we all had the exact same views, likes and dislikes, it would be a pretty boring place to live in my opinion. So let's be kind, and leave the hate speech and critical views for another space. That kind of treatment will not be tolerated here. Period. 

Now that that is out of the way, here is a iquick ntro potential list of topics off the cuff, and I guarantee it will be ever evolving!

Art/design/sustainability/global impact/blends and benefits/customers personal stories/culture/community/aromatherapy & essential oils/artificial fragrances & chemical sensitivities/health benefits/scientific discoveries/special recipes/new products/special events/female led business and marketing/mental health/menopause/nutrition/natural remedies...I mean the list gets crazy!

There is just so much information that I wanna share with you, that I don’t even know where to start. Not only am I a limitless abyss of curiosity, but I have lived alot of lives, and through trial and error, have picked up alot of golden nuggets along the way...lol! Truly there are so many aspects of this business that overlap, and then go off in their own directions again, and I can only hope to cover even a small amount of those topics. I do promise to try to reign it in, something my recently (at age 51) diagnosed ADHD brain makes a bit difficult for me at times, but will do my best to try to keep some semblance of organization, with these ever evolving and exciting conversations.

So let’s have some fun getting to know each other, and maybe even a bit more about ourselves, while we explore what it means to make space for self care and self love, how to figure out our place in this world, what it means to be part of a healthy community, and how to best honour our bodies and ourselves.

Until next time!

Angel xo